12 to 36 months

THE SLEEP LIBRARY: Everything you need to know.

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12 month (1 years old)
24 month (2 years old)
36 Months (3 years old)

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11-14 hours per day, with 1-3 hours of daytime sleep and 11-12 hours at night. By 18 months they’ll transition from 2 naps to 1.

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It’s amazing to think about how many stages your child has gone through now that they’re a toddler.

And they’re still changing! Especially on the sleep front. Now that your baby is a toddler they need less sleep, and by the time your toddler hits 18 months they will likely drop from two naps to one.

While it may sound like a big change, trust that your toddler is capable of staying awake for 4-5 hours between their nap and bedtime. In fact, it’s the perfect amount of time to tire them out!  

Toddler’s Sleep Guide

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We are here to Help

At Rockin’ Blinks our certified sleep consultants will help you:

Sarah Christian

Sarah Christian is an Infant and Pediatric sleep consultant

- who loves helping families get the rest they need.

In addition to her certification from the Family Sleep Institute, Sarah has an insatiable appetite for reading sleep research, fueled by a master’s degree in library science and twenty years of work in the Penn State University Libraries.
Her own four children keep it real, and along with her husband Dean are the joys of her life. #Sleep Practice Once Upon a Bedtime

Rockin’Blinks Sleepwear Collection

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Follow the SAFE SLEEP recommendations of the the American Academy of Pediatrics to protect against SIDS.

Want to dive deeper?

Check out these great articles about this stage

The Holiday Balancing Act: Sleep, Joy, and Little Ones
Four tips to get ready for the school year with well-rested kids.
Meet Rockin’Blinks Founder. Healthy Sleep Advocate, Lola Sánchez Liste.
8 Tips to Help Transition Your Baby from 2 Naps to 1
Struggling With A Bedtime Routine? Here’s How Audiobooks Can Help
Best Sleep Positions and Sleep Tips for Expecting Mothers

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